Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Opciones De Binary Broker Reviews 69

Generador de opciones

Construir sus propias opciones binarias?

Comparando a cuándo las opciones binarias que negociaban primero vinieron en la escena, la práctica se ha vuelto más compleja e implicada actualmente. Por el momento, los comerciantes tienen más opciones cuando se trata de la estrategia de opciones binarias para las acciones, divisas, índices, materias primas y más.

Hay un método que le permite realmente construir su propio comercio de opciones binarias. Este método, a pesar de ser relativamente nuevo, se ha vuelto muy popular en los mercados. En este artículo, vamos a discutir la construcción de su propia opción: cómo funciona, lo que hace y qué plataformas de comercio popular puede ayudar con eso.

Todo sobre la creación de sus propias opciones

La mayoría de las plataformas de negociación ofrecen a los operadores activos a elegir, fechas de vencimiento y tarifas, junto con dos opciones: Call and Put. Aunque puede haber mucha variedad, los comerciantes todavía se limitan a lo que se les da en la interfaz de usuario.

Algunos comerciantes encuentran esto demasiado limitante y quieren más movilidad al negociar opciones binarias. Como resultado, cada vez más los comerciantes están construyendo sus propias opciones y haciendo su propia estrategia de opción binaria.

Esencialmente, la interfaz de usuario le da algunas opciones para elegir su propio activo de su elección (opciones de divisas, opciones de productos u otros). Después de seleccionar el activo, debe seleccionar un método de negociación como Alto / Bajo, One Touch, Rango u otros.

A continuación, tiene que elegir la fecha de vencimiento, el pago y la cantidad de inversión. Normalmente, antes de hacer su oferta, el corredor le costará y le dará el costo de su comercio. El resto del comercio procederá como de costumbre.

¿Por qué construir su propio?

Decidir negociar opciones binarias a través de su propio diseño significa que los comerciantes quieren un mayor control sobre lo que están negociando. Por lo general, las opciones binarias son limitadas por naturaleza. El término "literalmente", después de todo, significa tener sólo 2 opciones. Sin embargo, hay muchas categorías disponibles y varias maneras de colocar un comercio. La elección de una plataforma que le permite intercambiar opciones binarias a través de procesos personalizables significa que puede hacer su propia estrategia de opciones binarias a voluntad.

Dónde ir y qué hacer

Es cada vez más popular para construir sus propias opciones, pero no todos los corredores ofrecen esto. Los comerciantes necesitan para encontrar una plataforma de negociación que permite este tipo de comercio de opciones binarias. StockPair proporciona una plataforma de negociación que le permite construir sus propias opciones. También proporciona una plantilla que le da una gran cantidad de control sobre cualquier cosa que hagas. En cuanto a TradeRush. A los comerciantes se les ofrece la opción "Generador de opciones" característica que les permite personalizar sus activos, tasas de pago y tiempos de vencimiento. También ofrece a los operadores una interfaz de usuario extremadamente intuitiva para ayudar a los comerciantes a decidir el nivel de riesgo que quieren exponerse a ellos en su opción comercial.

Compruebe su plataforma de opción binaria favorita para ver si ofrece opciones binarias personalizables de comercio. Aunque esto no siempre está disponible, más y más corredores están comenzando a ofrecer esta característica pronto.

En orden comenzar una carrera en negociar binario adaptable de las opciones; Usted debe tener un buen conocimiento sobre los fundamentos de la empresa, así como diversos tipos de comercio. Sin embargo, a diferencia de otras opciones, el comercio de opciones binarias personalizables le da cierta flexibilidad y libertad en este día y edad.

Reloj De Forex

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Retroalimentación reciente de Expert4x

Sólo quería decir gracias por el trabajo fabuloso y desinteresado que ustedes dos hacen por tantos comerciantes aquí en el mundo Forex. Estoy sorprendido de las cosas GRATIS que ustedes ponen para todos nosotros los comerciantes. Tengo y uso algunos de sus métodos de venta "para la venta" que compré y pagué, pero ustedes siempre están regalando útiles y valiosas herramientas para agregar a nuestros kits de herramientas que pueden y no hacer dinero al igual que los que compramos! ¡De los varios años que he estado siguiendo Expert4x, nunca he conseguido ninguna basura! Sólo quería tomar el tiempo para decir "gracias".

Tengo un sistema que utilizo que realmente utiliza Múltiples promedios móviles muy similar a lo que usted está defendiendo aquí. Es muy exitoso. ¡Estás en lo correcto! Los MMA te dan mucha información sobre lo que está sucediendo en el mercado. He encontrado, cuando estoy realmente atascado y siendo golpeado por los mercados con mis métodos comerciales regulares, puedo sacar los MMA y luchar con éxito. Cuando todos los promedios convergen, significa que los diferentes comerciantes están de acuerdo sobre el precio, pero un desacuerdo está llegando que causará una explosión de precio en una dirección u otra.

Como usted ha sugerido, montar a horcajadas el área de la compresión es una gran manera de coger este efecto de la honda y montarlo a las ganancias! MMA puede ser la mejor manera para alguien nuevo para el comercio para empezar! Si eres nuevo en Forex, aquí hay herramientas que realmente funcionan, GRATIS! Por cierto, FYI, pagué $ 500 por un sistema muy similar que usted está regalando aquí! $ 15.00 para la plantilla es una ganga increíble! Especialmente cuando se considera cuánto dinero esta cosa puede hacer!

Y "Gracias" de nuevo!

EXENCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD: - La información sobre el comercio en línea de Forex presentado en este sitio web no debe considerarse como Forex o asesoramiento de comercio de divisas. El comercio de divisas y el comercio de divisas es una forma altamente especulativa de ganar dinero y no sólo debe hacerse con la información en este sitio web solamente. En consecuencia, no hacemos ninguna garantía o garantía con respecto a la corrección o validez de su contenido. Los comerciantes de la divisa, los comerciantes del oscilación y los comerciantes del día que hacen uso de la información en línea del comercio de modernidad presentaron hacen tan en su propio riesgo. La información del mercado de divisas proporcionada en este documento no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión de divisas, la situación financiera o las necesidades de cualquier persona en particular. Este sitio no está destinado a utilizarse como la única fuente de información sobre el comercio de divisas, la educación de Forex o el trabajo de oportunidad en casa. Es importante y asumió que los comerciantes utilizan los principios de comercio sano cuando se utiliza la información en línea de comercio de Forex en este sitio de comercio de divisas. Utilice cuentas de demostración en las que no se requiere inversión para probar las estrategias de Forex. Esto incluye el comercio de sentido común, el dinero sano y la gestión de riesgos y la plena propiedad personal de cualquier decisión comercial. Esta exención de responsabilidad se aplica a todos los servicios, incluyendo PayPal, Google, haga clic aquí, Yahoo, Ebay, YouTube y Clickbank promociones puestas en el sitio web. Los inversores con sede en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Europa, Australia, Asia, Oriente Medio y África (en particular, Sudáfrica) deben tener en cuenta los requisitos legales y restricciones de comercio de divisas en su región y deben obtener asesoramiento financiero individual Basándose en sus propias circunstancias particulares antes de tomar cualquier decisión de inversión en moneda extranjera.

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Es una buena también y muestra cómo se puede hacer, pero se está mostrando lo que quería decir que los scripts no son adecuados para algunas cosas (cambios de tiempo, cambios de símbolos).

Lo que yo estaba hablando es un EA que muestra el tiempo restante hasta el final de la barra y se sincroniza con el tiempo local (ya que no puede depender del tiempo de agente, obviamente, para los tiempos cuando no hay señales procedentes de corredor) El único & quot; ; Es que he publicado que en la sección de élite y no sería justo para los miembros de la sección de élite para publicar aquí también. Lo siento

Hola, estoy buscando un indicador de reloj igual que b-reloj. Pero con b-reloj se actualiza cuando la garrapata se actualiza, ¿hay un indicador similar con b-reloj pero actualización basada en mi reloj pc. Gracias.

Reloj de Forex

El mercado de divisas (forex, FX o mercado de divisas) es un mercado financiero de venta libre en todo el mundo para el comercio de divisas.

El mercado en el que los participantes pueden comprar, vender, intercambiar y especular sobre divisas. Los mercados de divisas se compone de bancos, empresas comerciales, bancos centrales, empresas de gestión de inversiones, fondos de cobertura, y los corredores de la divisa al por menor y los inversores.

El mercado de divisas (también conocido como "forex" o "FX") es el lugar donde las monedas se negocian. El mercado de divisas en general es el mercado más grande y más líquido del mundo, con un valor negociado promedio que supera los 1,9 billones de dólares por día e incluye todas las divisas del mundo.

Medir el tiempo o la duración de un evento o acción o la persona que realiza una acción en un determinado período de tiempo; "Él marcó los corredores"

Un modelo ornamental tejido o bordado en el lado de una media o un calcetín cerca del tobillo

Un reloj que muestra la hora del día

(Relojes) redstem storksbill: malezas europeas naturalizadas en el suroeste de Estados Unidos y México con tallos rojizos decumbentes con pequeñas hojas de helecho y pequeñas flores rojizas de lavanda, seguidas de finas frutas que se adhieren directamente hacia arriba; A menudo para el forraje

Desordenado, Creative Desktop

Jugar con geektool para darme un reloj en el escritorio, desenterró una gran cantidad de posibilidades. Así que he añadido mi lista de tareas y eventos para el día, y luego como me gusta el comercio en el Foreign Exchange mientras estoy trabajando en algún proyecto artístico, me pegó un gráfico que se actualiza cada minuto en el escritorio también. El fondo de pantalla fue creado por agarrar varias cosas de la web y ensamblar en un collage. Estoy seguro de que esto cambiará y crecerá y se desarrollará con el tiempo. Esto es a través de dos monitores por lo que hay un montón de espacio para las adiciones y los cambios.

Stourbridge Junction & amp; El reloj

Muy colorido y jugar ruidos de tren de vapor! Título: Stourbridge Junction Railway Station Reloj Artista: Anuradha Patel Los ferrocarriles victorianos, y los motores de vapor en particular, siempre que el tema. Diferentes partes del reloj se refieren a varios aspectos de los ferrocarriles, como las señales, y los colores audaces celebrar el espíritu y la personalidad de las máquinas de vapor.


Múltiples ventanas de reloj acoplables

Base de datos de todas las grandes ciudades

Alarmas personalizables en cada ciudad

Sincronización automática del tiempo de Internet

Tamaños de reloj ajustable

Lector de RSS / Atom integrado

Tasas diarias de FX

Notas adhesivas

Cuando el tiempo es .. & quot;

Servicio Qlock Sync

Actualizaciones automáticas del programa

Tamaños de fuente ajustables

Varios perfiles de escritorio

Transparencia de escritorio

Múltiples alarmas por ciudad

Temporizadores de cuenta atrás

¿Quién usa Qlock?

Desde individuos, pequeñas empresas hasta grandes corporaciones y con más de 5 millones de descargas hasta la fecha, Qlock es el reloj de escritorio más popular disponible para Windows.

Comerciantes FOREX

Moneda de comercio requiere hasta el seguimiento de minutos de múltiples zonas horarias a lo largo del día. Los comerciantes confían en Qlock porque les da la hora actual y las noticias para cada zona horaria, diseños de reloj de escritorio completamente personalizados y múltiples alarmas repetibles para cada moneda.


Mantener el contacto con familiares y amigos en todo el mundo es mucho más fácil con Internet, es aún más fácil ahora que Qlock puede decirle la hora exacta para todos los que conoce.


Mantener el control de los eventos de juegos en línea, chats IRC y sus amigos horas de juego puede ser bastante complicado. Con Qlock puedes ver exactamente lo que está sucediendo en todo el mundo con una sola mirada. Usted puede configurar alarmas en cada zona horaria para decirle cuándo los amigos van a estar en línea o cuando el próximo gran partido comienza.

Estudios de televisión y radio

Los estudios utilizan el modo skin de XXLarge de Qlock para que los ingenieros y productores puedan ver el tiempo global desde cualquier lugar de la habitación. Por ejemplo, hay un bien conocido canal de televisión de EE. UU. que utiliza Qlock en una pared montado 42inch LCD.

Empresas globales

Estar a cargo de múltiples proyectos en varios países requiere mantener un registro de esos husos horarios. La poderosa función de alarma de Qlock le permite establecer notificaciones de fechas límite, eventos y reuniones en cada una de esas zonas horarias.

Más que un reloj mundial

Diseñado para uso comercial o doméstico, Qlock lleva el reloj mundial a un nuevo nivel con más funciones, más configuraciones y más control.

Lector de RSS / Atom integrado

Manténgase al día con las últimas noticias y noticias de todo el mundo mientras continúa trabajando. Qlock busca sus noticias más importantes / existencias / blog feeds y las muestra en ventanas fáciles de leer. Más..

Tipos de cambio diarios

Obtenga tarifas diarias de FX para todos los principales pares de divisas directamente a su escritorio. Establezca los precios de huelga para cada par para ayudarle a mantenerse en la cima del mercado. Más..

Notas adhesivas

Éstas son una manera útil de no perder de vista los artículos de la tarea, las reuniones, los números de teléfono o de hecho cualquier cosa que usted utilizaría normalmente una pequeña nota pegajosa para. Si su monitor / escritorio está cubierto en esas pequeñas cosas, entonces esta característica es para usted! Más..

Cuando el tiempo es

Esta función es útil cuando desea ver otras horas locales para un tiempo determinado. Por ejemplo, si tiene una reunión en Los Ángeles a las 4 de la tarde y desea ver qué hora será en todo el mundo, haga clic derecho en Los Ángeles, seleccione & quot; Cuando el tiempo es .. & quot; Y configurarlo a las 16:00.

Todos los relojes mostrarán automáticamente su hora local y fecha para las 4 pm en Los Angeles. Tan pronto como se cierra la ventana, todos los relojes volver a su tiempo normal. Más..

Perfiles múltiples

Cree diseños Qlock diferentes en cada perfil, cambiando instantáneamente entre perfiles dependiendo de lo que esté trabajando. Esto es genial si usted es un comerciante de divisas y la necesidad de ver múltiples veces y feeds, pero también occaisonally información más detallada. Más..

Qlock Sync

Qlock Sync le permite sincronizar sus configuraciones de escritorio a través de múltiples PCs. Por ejemplo, si tiene instalado Qlock en su escritorio en el trabajo y en un ordenador portátil, utilice Qlock Sync para mantener ambas configuraciones de la máquina actualizadas entre sí. Todo su diseño, feeds, ventanas, ajustes, notas, ciudades de usuarios, etc. se transferirán automáticamente a nuestro servidor para que pueda mantener su escritorio actualizado en el camino o donde quiera que esté. Más..

Actualizaciones automáticas del programa

Qlock descarga automáticamente los cambios de la zona horaria y el horario de verano, las nuevas características y las correcciones de errores directamente a tu PC y se actualiza automáticamente en segundo plano mientras haces otras cosas.

Múltiples alarmas por ciudad

Qlock le permite configurar hasta 5 alarmas independientes independientes por ventana de ciudad. Por ejemplo, puede tener 3 alarmas para Nueva York, 2 para Londres y 1 para Tokio.

La creación de una nueva alarma es simple y lógica, basta con hacer doble clic en el panel de alarma de la ventana Qlock, activar la alarma y ajustar la hora. Después de confirmar la configuración, la ventana Qlock mostrará continuamente la cantidad de tiempo restante hasta la siguiente alarma. Más..

Temporizadores de cuenta atrás

Además de establecer una hora de alarma absoluta, también puede establecer un tiempo de cuenta atrás. Esto activará la alarma después de un cierto período de tiempo y es útil para realizar un seguimiento de eventos como reuniones, lecciones, llamadas telefónicas, etc.


Qlock le permite cambiar la transparencia de cada ventana de reloj. Hay 3 ajustes de transparencia, Bajo, Medio y Alto que le dan control total sobre la opacidad de las ventanas del reloj que aparecen en su escritorio.

Control más fino

Pantalla de bienes raíces es valioso, no debe ser malgastado. Con Qlock puede personalizar cada ventana de reloj para satisfacer sus necesidades y gustos. Desde una sola línea por cada vez hasta el tamaño de pantalla XXLarge trimestre.

Mapa Mundial Integrado

El mapa del mundo incorporado de Qlock Gold le permite ver la hora en cualquier parte del mundo simplemente moviendo el ratón sobre un mapa del mundo de noche y día en tiempo real. Escriba el nombre de una ciudad y el mapa busca y muestra automáticamente la hora en esa ubicación, incluso antes de que haya terminado de escribir! Más..


El Metatrader Clock Forex Indicator se proporciona de forma gratuita. Como creamos utilizados de este Reloj, no nos pidieron ni siquiera un solo centavo de pago. El indicador de negociación de divisas está garantizado totalmente gratis.

Hemos realizado una prueba haciendo uso de este indicador. Y sabes qué, realmente funciona maravillosamente a lo que hemos anticipado. Es muy Metatrader 4 (MT4) y MT5 edición y podría trabajar a otras plataformas MT también. Si usted prefiere indicadores mucho más parecidos como éste, esta división de los indicadores de tiempo de la divisa le ayudará bastante.

El indicador de reloj está muy abierto a casi cualquier comentario y sugerencia. La sección de revisión del indicador Reloj responde a todos los comentarios y sugerencias proporcionados. Un par de líneas hará, puede ser maneras acerca de cómo se puede utilizar o tal vez el mejor medio para el comercio con él. Los comerciantes de FX pondrán en duda sobre sus comentarios y retroalimentación para localizar y emplear el indicador ideal.

Por supuesto, los indicadores más grandes que ayudarán en negociar más la manera exacta son exactamente qué la mayoría de los comerciantes de la modernidad quieren. Este es el indicador de tiempo libre de costo que entra en juego. También ayudará a los comerciantes en el aumento de los ingresos que pueden obtener en su negocio en Internet. Asegurado, también estamos haciendo todo lo posible para publicar indicadores de Forex como Reloj en nuestro sitio. Con eso dicho, es posible para los vendedores del Web descargarlo sin tener que gastar el dinero que los hace para venir para arriba con decisiones elegantes. Como resultado, resultarán ser comerciantes notables.

No se olvide de compartir este indicador con sus buenos amigos en Facebook y seguidores en otros sitios de redes sociales. Definitivamente le informaremos a usted ya cada otro usuario si y cuando encontramos un nuevo indicador que usted podría muy bien utilizar.

Descargar Clock. mq4 Metatrader Indicator Free


Reloj Metatrader Indicador Detalle:

El comercio al por menor de divisas es agitado y competitivo que es la razón por la que tener la herramienta ideal es realmente esencial. La inversión financiera que usted pone será maximizada por medio de esto. La mayoría de los inversores optan por utilizar Metatraders porque presenta un montón de comodidad. Las actuaciones extraordinarias de Metatraders se anticipan junto con el Indicador Clock Forex. Puede descargar de este sitio de Internet el indicador Reloj para Metatrader 4 o incluso Metatrader 5.

Se incluyó la foto del reloj que muestra la apariencia del indicador justo después de que se coloca en su Metatrader. Si usted es atraído junto con la imagen de arriba, así como encontrar que beneficioso para usted, entonces don†™ t esperar a configurarlo. También hay otros indicadores de tiempo de Metatrader que puede seleccionar. Usted posiblemente puede comprobar diferentes tipos de indicadores simplemente haciendo clic en la categoría de indicador de tiempo y también conocer las actualizaciones más recientes disponibles.

Debe tener en cuenta que este indicador es bastante famoso como el volumen de descargas siguen aumentando cada día. Hasta ahora, hay alrededor de 0 personas que descargaron el Clock acumulando un total de 141 descargas totales. Descargar este indicador es fácil, haga clic en el enlace de descarga y guárdelo en su escritorio.

En caso de encontrar este indicador útil, su puntuación será sin duda muy querido. Junto con la ayuda de su calificación, habrá otros visitantes que pueden llegar a considerar la descarga del indicador. En el caso de que usted cree que nuestro sitio es beneficioso y una maravillosa galería de indicadores personalizados mt4, asegúrese de hablar de ello junto con sus amigos haciendo uso de los botones de compartir. Muchas gracias por visitar Forex Bazar. com y descargar Reloj.

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Reloj forex de Artic

Si usted es un principiante en el comercio de divisas, entonces usted puede no estar familiarizado con los usos de diferentes indicadores de comercio de divisas. Por otro lado, si usted tiene una sólida experiencia en esta forma de comercio, es necesario ver si está utilizando la combinación adecuada de indicadores técnicos para ayudarle a obtener ganancias consistentes en el mercado de divisas. En este artículo, considerar bien un indicador de la divisa libre que es el índice del canal de la materia o CCI. Es muy importante reconocer la hora correcta de entrar en un comercio. Sin embargo, aunque afortunadamente identificar el momento adecuado y capitalizar una tendencia fuerte, siempre debe tener en cuenta que finalmente dejará de existir. El punto real es que cuando usted está dependiendo de una tendencia lucrativa, no tiene racionalidad y motivación para tener cuidado con él y asumiría más riesgos en su lugar. Apenas se observan las tendencias que se mantendrá durante largos períodos de tiempo y que normalmente son difíciles de detectar, por lo que se espera aprovechar al máximo de la que se está viviendo. Este es un buen sentido para las personas que comercian con divisas por primera vez. Sin embargo, el dinero puede simplemente ser perdido tan rápidamente como se ganan. El CC.

Reloj mundial

Anuko World Clock es una descarga para Windows que reemplaza el reloj del sistema regular con varias zonas horarias de su elección. Conocer el tiempo en todo el mundo nunca ha sido más sencillo. Si usted es una empresa que necesita una utilidad de supervisión eficiente de la zona horaria, o un usuario doméstico con un ser querido en otro país, o comerciante de acciones y divisas, este reloj es un software que no debería estar sin él.

Reemplazo del reloj del sistema de Windows

Tenga en cuenta que el reloj mundial no es sólo una simple utilidad de complemento de reloj para su escritorio. Reemplaza el reloj del sistema nativo en el área de la bandeja. En lugar de un reloj estándar del sistema de Windows que se vea aquí:

Usted está recibiendo un reloj mejorado con muchas características útiles. La característica más importante es una pantalla de varias zonas horarias justo allí en la barra de tareas donde está el reloj del sistema. Esto mejora su productividad cuando necesita manejar distintas zonas horarias.

Formato extendido de fecha y hora

World Clock le permite mostrar la hora y la fecha actuales en las ubicaciones de su elección en cualquier formato que desee. Por ejemplo, puede configurar cada reloj individualmente para mostrar el tiempo de 12 horas o 24 horas, con segundos o sin, si desea mostrar la fecha actual o no, y en qué formato. La salida de la fecha es bastante sofisticada. Le permite mostrar la semana de trabajo. Y números de días de semana, entre otras cosas. También puede mostrar la fecha en una línea aparte, como en el reloj del sistema. Además, puede escribir sus propios formateadores de fecha y hora si encuentra que la opción de formateadores incorporados no es completamente satisfactoria.

En el ejemplo anterior, 3 relojes se configuran en la barra de tareas:

El reloj GMT usa el formato militar (24 horas) con segundos.

El reloj de Tokio utiliza el formato de hora de América del Norte (12 horas con AM / PM).

El reloj de Vancouver muestra el número de la semana de trabajo actual en una línea separada, además de la hora local.

Relojes en el escritorio

World Clock puede ejecutar varios relojes en el escritorio, además de o en lugar de los relojes en la barra de tareas. Estos relojes son skinnable, lo que significa que puede cambiar fácilmente su apariencia o incluso proporcionar su propia piel para la visualización personalizada. Los relojes de escritorio pueden tener un segundero en ejecución. si necesario.

Utilice el reloj mundial para supervisar múltiples zonas horarias en su escritorio

Ejemplos de uso del reloj mundial

Reloj GMT y hora local

Suponga que quería ver un reloj GMT / UTC / Zulu además de la hora local. Por ejemplo, su trabajo está de alguna manera relacionado con el GMT, pero se encuentra en otra zona horaria. Pero todavía, usted necesita saber GMT en cualquier momento para la referencia rápida. En este caso, puede configurar el Reloj mundial con sólo dos elementos de visualización: un reloj GMT y el reloj local.

Dicho reloj puede ser útil para:

Operadores de radio de jamón.


Administradores de sistemas que tienen sus servidores en hora UTC.

Profesionales de la aviación, pilotos, etc.

Relojes para sitios en una empresa global

Una empresa que está dispersa por todo el mundo en varios países necesita herramientas para mantener sus cosas sincronizadas. Reloj Mundial es una de esas herramientas, y una muy importante. Ayuda con la comunicación entre personas a través de zonas horarias.

Tome Intel, por ejemplo. Están en al menos 6 zonas horarias diferentes en América solamente. Uno agradecería alguna ayuda con la programación de reuniones o llamadas telefónicas entre ubicaciones.

Reloj Dual Timezone

Un escenario de uso del Reloj Mundial muy común es tan simple como un par de relojes configurados para dos zonas horarias diferentes. Supongamos que usted trabaja con alguien en el extranjero o tiene un amigo, familia o un interés comercial en otra zona horaria. Configure un reloj para su propia ubicación, otro para el suyo, y mantener ambos relojes en la barra de tareas, ya que no requieren mucho espacio.

Reloj mundial para un operador de Forex

Si el comercio de divisas en los mercados de divisas puede necesitar un reloj personalizado para Forex, que puede mostrar si un determinado mercado está abierto o cerrado. La idea es bastante simple: se agrega un reloj para cada mercado y se configura para cambiar el color cuando se abre o cierra el mercado. A continuación, saber instantáneamente qué mercados están abiertos por echar un vistazo a su escritorio. Si es necesario, puede agregar alarmas para recordarle cosas.

En el ejemplo anterior, se puede ver que los mercados de Sydney, Tokio y Londres están cerrados, mientras que Nueva York está abierta.

Reloj mundial para las bolsas de valores

Una idea similar puede aplicarse a las bolsas de valores. Sólo tiene que añadir un reloj para cada cambio de ver, configurarlo de acuerdo a su calendario, y tienen una herramienta poco ayudante para el comercio de valores.

Aquí, usted puede ver que NYSE está abierto para negociar, mientras que LSE de Londres y TSE de Tokio no lo son. Observe que el número de colores disponibles (los llamamos perfiles de reloj) no se limita a dos como en la situación de mercado abierto / cerrado. Puede tener hasta 10 colores diferentes por reloj para identificar diferentes períodos de tiempo. En el caso de un reloj de bolsa, puede tener un color para la sesión de la mañana, otro para la sesión de la tarde, otro para LSE de Londres VWAP y así sucesivamente.

Tiempo Converter

Los usuarios del reloj mundial a menudo necesitan convertir el tiempo entre zonas horarias. Aquí hay unos ejemplos.

Necesito programar una llamada telefónica a una oficina en otra zona horaria a las 10:00 hora local. ¿Qué hora será en mi zona horaria?

Un seminario web comenzará a las 14:00 GMT del martes. ¿Qué hora y día será en San Francisco?

Un vuelo llega a Nueva York a las 5:35 PM. ¿Cómo se convierte a la zona horaria de Wellington, Nueva Zelanda?

¿Cuál es el mejor momento para una llamada de conferencia entre 3 zonas horarias diferentes? ¿Existe un período durante las horas normales de trabajo que existe en todos los husos horarios?

La fecha límite del proyecto es la hora de California de las 17:00 hora del último viernes de este mes. ¿Qué será en Bangalore, India?

La operación comienza a las 23:00 Zulu. ¿Qué hora local será para equipos de diferentes países?

Con los recientes ajustes de horario de verano y hora, ya no estoy seguro de cuál es la diferencia en el tiempo entre mi lugar y otro. ¿Cuál es la diferencia ahora? ¿Qué tal durante su hora de verano? ¿Mi hora de verano? Mi tiempo de invierno

El reloj mundial le ofrece dos herramientas para resolver estos problemas: un convertidor de tiempo y una tabla de tiempos. La diferencia entre los dos es que Time Converter muestra un conjunto de relojes ya configurados con una línea de tiempos coincidentes. La tabla de horarios cubre un período de 24 horas en una tabla y permite utilizar cualquier ubicación que desee (no sólo relojes configurados).


World Clock utiliza skins gráficos, dándole la posibilidad de personalizarlo para adaptarse a cualquier estilo de escritorio o preferencia estética. Varias pieles digitales y analógicas están incorporadas en el producto. Además, puede descargar un paquete de piel o incluso crear su propia piel.


World Clock viene con temporizadores incorporados. Le permiten contar el tiempo hasta o desde un cierto punto del tiempo en una zona horaria particular. Por ejemplo:

Cuente los días restantes hasta Navidad.

Cuente días y horas hasta la fecha límite del proyecto.

Espere por lo menos 45 minutos antes de hacer algo.

Interrumpa el trabajo después de una hora para un poco de estiramiento, ejercicio o relajación.

Mantenga un contador de segundos restantes hasta un evento.

Más características

Lo anterior son sólo las características más importantes que uno puede necesitar en el reloj mundial, pero viene con muchos más. Echa un vistazo a la página de características para obtener más información sobre calendario, alarmas, sincronización de tiempo, mapa del mundo y otras cosas.

Resumen del reloj mundial

Anuko World Clock es un reloj de zona horaria múltiple con sincronización de tiempo, convertidor de tiempo, temporizador, cronómetro, despertador y mucho más. Reemplaza el reloj estándar de Windows con el número de relojes que elija y también puede agregar más relojes a su escritorio. Es altamente configurable para satisfacer las necesidades de cualquier persona, ya sea que lo utilice para su negocio o simplemente desee más del reloj del sistema.

Puede mostrar cualquiera o todos los relojes, temporizadores y cronómetros en la bandeja del sistema (el área en el extremo derecho de la barra de tareas, en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla) y / o en el escritorio.

El programa es perfectamente adecuado para cualquier persona que se comunica con personas en otras partes del mundo, no importa cuáles sean sus preferencias. Ya se trate de amigos de la escuela o amigos en otros estados o países, colegas en oficinas remotas o en el campo, la familia mientras estás de viaje, los operadores de radio de jamón hablar con otros en el extranjero, o incluso si sólo tiene que vigilar el tiempo en un - la zona horaria familiar o el formato por cualquier razón, Reloj Mundial ofrecerá todo lo que pueda necesitar.

World Clock viene con alarmas totalmente configurables. Puede crear cualquier cantidad de alarmas, que reproducirán un sonido, mostrarán un mensaje o una imagen, iniciarán una aplicación o abrirán una página web en el momento que elijan.

Le recomendamos que descargue y pruebe World Clock. This product exemplifies our traditional quality and ease of use.

¿Necesitas más información? See the User Guide.

Obtenga acceso a estrategias exclusivas de Forex, indicadores y EA's.

Forex News Market Clock MT4 Indicator Updated Due to its nature currencies can be traded 24 hours a day, but being able to trade that long does not mean the forex market behavior is the same throughout the day. Forex traders should choose the correct time to trade regarding their strategy. When the market is active and has more volume, currency pairs move faster, increasing your change to make profit. Forex News Market Clock indicator displays open market sessions and also market holidays. Download Forex News Market Clock MT4 Indicator

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Cualquier asesoramiento o información en este sitio web es Asesoramiento General Solamente - No toma en cuenta sus circunstancias personales, por favor no haga transacciones o invierta basándose únicamente en esta información. Al ver cualquier material o usar la información de este sitio usted acepta que este es material de educación general y no tendrá ninguna persona o entidad responsable de la pérdida o daños resultantes del contenido o asesoramiento general proporcionado por iForexIndicator. com, es empleados, Directores o compañeros. Los futuros, las opciones y el comercio de divisas al contado tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Este sitio web no es una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros, forex spot, cfd, opciones u otros productos financieros. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en cualquier material en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Clock Mq4

Forex Clock Indicator

Another benefit that you can have from our website is the chance of choosing from the different Metatrader Time Indicators types from our obtainable section for Time indicator. The Clock is a helpful indicator that you can download totally free. There’s an available image that we added you may click on it to fully comprehend all of these. This offers you the overview of the way the Metatrader will look like soon after the set up.

MetaTrader 4 - Indicators

News events and market times on your chart - indicator for MetaTrader 4

The clock will display the different times, the open markets and market holiday and it will show you the news you select to see.

Indicator displays News with a market clock.

News events "http://www. dailyfx. com/files/"

Market times found at "http://www.2011.worldmarkethours. com/Forex/index1024.htm"


Some sources I have used:

This article Displaying a News Calendar written by Slobodov Gleb and to read at https://www. mql5.com/en/articles/1502 shows a way how to get data displayed on the chart. The file contains the description of writing a simple and convenient indicator displaying in a working area the main economic events from external Internet resources.

Another source I have used for this indicator is the indicator SimpleMarketInfo here to find http://codebase. mql4.com/en/code/10000 made by born2trade (2010.11.25). It shows upcoming news events 1 hour before and 30 minutes after event. It also shows active sessions etc. It gives a look to all news events. Changes on this. I did wanna have the possibillity to choose the kind of news I like to see, and when local time isn't brokertime there was not the correct displaying vertical lines on the chart. And some other changes.

Found the indicator Clockzv1_2 auto. mq4 ( http://forum. mql4.com/14052#91898 ) from "Jerome" This version made it possible for me to write down the coming DST times for the local markets also. ST/DST changes are unique to each timezone. To know when a market is open we have to know the right localtime.

Auckland/Sydney/Tokyo/Hong Kong/Europe/London/New York.

Update 14 October 2011 forex_news_market_clock_2.mq4

Found a way to edit my post so by this I replace the old indicator with the improved newer version

Hope it is for all working perfectly. Like to know how you think about it. It's the best way for me improve my programming

Forex News Market Clock Indicator shows the active market sessions, local and broker’s time, the open markets and market holiday and it will also display the forex news, selecting all the main economic events from DailyFX calendar directly on your chart. You can also have news taken from a different resource as well as the kind of news you would like to see.

Similar Indicators:

New Candle Countdown Timer Clock

New Candle Countdown Timer! Greetings all,

Don't know if anybody else is looking for something like this but I thought I'd post a (free) countdown timer that can be sychronized with new candle formations:

1. in whatever time frame you choose (5min countdown for me) 2. that keeps reseting itself (repeats the countdown) 3. that sounds an alarm at reset 4. that stays "on top" 5. that is a compact digital minute/second display window.

I tried out quite a few others that did NOT work well! They either lacked the features, or incurred a time "decay" at the reset.

This does everything I wanted and stays in sync for hours, . however:

Synchronizing a Timer to a new candle is NOT as easy as it sounds !

The problem: A new candle "paints" only AFTER there is a price movement since the previous candle. So, even though, let's say you have crossed over to the "new" candle according to the clock, you won't "see" it until a change in price has occured since the previous candle.

It makes it appear as "random" time changes between candles. though it is not.

The solution: 1. First download the following indicator if you don't already have it. b-clock. mq4

2. Install the b-clock indicator and load to a five minute chart.

3. The indicator will print as a "countdown" to the next candle change in minutes and seconds. SIN EMBARGO . it only "freezes" (prints) the countdown when it "refreshes" at a price change. ( Drives me nuts!! which is why I wanted a synchronized countdown timer to watch the seconds tick off in the first place. )

4. The b-clock indicator however IS CORRECT, but ONLY at the moment it prints. which is why we are using it.

5. So, at the very moment it prints a countdown, the b-clock seconds should AGREE with the countdown timer in seconds that appears on your Timer readout.

6. The trick is to synchronize (reset) the Timer to get the same countdown display as the b-clock at the moment it "prints." It takes several tries. believe me.

7. Once you've synchronized the seconds . the minutes become much easier to sync as well.

Kindest regards to all you hard working traders.

Last edited by goldenequity ; 09-01-2007, 05:38.

FREEWARE: Pc Tray Alarm Clock with Minutes/Hours Repeating Interval Alarm

Salutations & Saludos. Guys and Dolls,

Freeware Clocx: ClocX - Free analog clock for Windows desktop Size of this FREEWARE Application is. 941 kilobytes

with regard to the MT4 indicator clock, I myself uses two alarms.

- One comes from the movement of the chart indicator (.ex4 ) and - The other comes from an independent free from MT4 functions that alerts me to " Check The Chart From Time to Time " .

* Mine is set at an Interval of 5 minutes, since I'm always wandering away from the task in hand.

-------------- How 2 Set-up: -------------- 1) Play with the Options set-up of the clock.

2) I set it to be totally Transparent, Pin Limit, Date.

3) I chose my own. gif /.bmp ( for the clock base visual ) .

4) Set the Alarm - Option ---> Personal Requirements.

5) Choose the Alarm:Audio Sound.

6) The Calendar is Basic.

7) Size of this FREEWARE Application is. 941 kilobytes

Clock V3

Clock V3 Forex Indicator Detail:

If you are looking for Clock V3 Forex Indicator that you could download for free, then you can have it in this website. What’s more, you don’t have to worry whatever Metatrader versions you’ve got, as both the Metatrader 4 and Metatrader5 operates well with this indicator. This is the Clock V3 indicator mq4 for Metatrader 4 or Metatrader 5. This is provided free of charge for download.

Selecting one of the various forms of Metatrader Time Indicators is feasible from our web site’s Time indicator group. The Clock V3 is a useful indicator that you can download at no cost. If you’re not yet convinced, check out the image we incorporated. Right here you can have an initial glance at precisely how a correctly set up Metatrader will look like.

Use the download selection given down below as a way to acquire of the indicator. When the download completes, ensure that you save the file in your pc. The average number of downloads as of this moment is at 143. Today, there already are 1 people who downloaded Clock V3.

Hence if you find this indicator smart, please do make time to rate it. You can as well share your feel of our forexindicators. You will just click the share button given. The evaluations as well as the positive opinions that you’ll give to our indicators will surely help us to get the interest of other online traders to check it out. We are very much delighted and thankful that you might have paid a visit to our website – ForexBazar as well as spared a while in installing the Clock V3.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

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Forex Trading with Tighter Clocks

The busiest time of the day in forex trading is about to expand from 4 to 5 hours. This will happen during two weeks when Daylight Savings Time comes into effect in the US and Canada, while European countries wait. Apart from this expanded busy time, some events will get closer, meaning more action. Let’s see how it works:

On Sunday, March 13th, the clock moves forward in the US and Canada. So, the New York session begins one earlier, already at 12:00 GMT. The London session begins that begins at 8:00 GMT ends at 17:00 GMT. So instead of 4 overlapping hours (13:00 to 17:00), we get 5. These hours, have the highest trade volume and include the most important American releases, which are 12:30 and 14:00 at DST.

European markets will have more time to react to the US figures before closing for the day. In addition, the markets will have less time to digest European and British events – US ones will come in faster than usual. This can be as seen in Forex Factory’s calendar . So, we can expect a lot more action in currency markets during this period of time – from March 13th to March 27th, when European countries shift to DST. Higher volatility means choppier trading and more opportunities for day traders.

Close events of high importance

March 15th . The all important German ZEW Economic Sentiment will be released at 10:00 and it will be closely followed by the US TIC Long-Term Purchases. More action for EUR/USD.

March 16th . British employment data at 9:30 is followed by a big load of US indicators at 13:30: building permits, housing starts, current account and PPI. More action for GBP/USD.

March 22nd . British CBI Industrial Order Expectations at 11:00 will be followed by Canadian retail sales numbers at 12:30. For those of you trading GBP/CAD, it’s going to be choppy.

March 25th . German Ifo Business Climate, a very survey that rocks the Euro will be published at 9:00, and final US GDP is released at 12:30.

The last time that this gap was seen was at the beginning of November, a week that consisted of the announcement of QE2. Non-Farm Payrolls and rate decisions in Europe and in other countries. That was an unforgettable week.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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B Clock Hms Indicator Download

B Clock Hms Indicator Detail:

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Trader Clock is a useful application that was created in order to provide you with a simple means of monitoring the latest evolutions on stock markets worldwide.

You can easily select the markets that you want to monitor and view their open and close times.

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3Planesoft is pleased to introduce a new 3D realistic screensaver - Clock Tower. It will take your mind far from the ordinary world into a quiet and peaceful medieval town, with its small houses and narrow streets. Imagine that you are standing in the central square of the town and observe the beautiful architecture of the clock tower. Este es el. Free download of Clock Tower 3D Screensaver 1, size 12.66 Mb.

This screensaver show stylize futuristic clock which flying through multicolor area in hyperspace and it shows current time. From time to time appear current time in numbers. It is good alternative of any build-in window's screensaver. Free download of 3D Space Clock 1, size 2.48 Mb.

Tired of your regular PC clock? Want something special for you computer screen? Then get this amazing Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver. It shows you all ‘internals’ and mechanisms that work perfectly in sync. We’ve hired a practicing clock master to be our consultant to help us design a realistic clock screensaver, selecting 18th. Free download of Mechanical Clock 3D Photo Screensaver 1, size 3.23 Mb.

Clock Tower will take your mind far from the ordinary world into a quiet and peaceful medieval town, with its small houses and narrow streets. Imagine that you are standing in the central square of the town and observe the beautiful architecture of the clock tower. This is the oldest clock tower in the town and has kept time for countless years. Eso. Free download of Clock Tower 3D Photo Screensaver 1, size 11.75 Mb.

Know-how is in absolutely new idea of time's display on clock's dial is put in a basis of work of the program. This know-how is officially patented on my name in Russia as useful model "The Device of indication of time on a dial of clock" #43088.In the program following adjustments are realized: > Time: current / since of start>. Free download of Oparin Clock 2.1, size 197.63 Kb.

The beautiful 3D screensaver features a magnificent antique clock placed in its original environment of the early 20th century -- a quiet room that will let you enter the retro world of your grandparents! See the time slowly ticking away as you watch this fine mantel clock and think about the meaning of it all. What is life all about? Was it. Free download of 3D Grandfather Clock Screensaver 1, size 6.82 Mb.

7art Neon Clock is a next step to the further development of the magical clock able to cheer your moods. It brings you colorful face and fancy hands to let your imagination run you away to sweet dreams with each second passed along 7art Neon Clock. Freeware download of 7art Neon Clock ScreenSaver 1.1, size 529.41 Kb.

The Drunken Clock Screensaver protects your monitor by displaying an attractive analog clock that looks like you're viewing it through water. Its numbers and hands float gently around the screen against a moving background as the "tick" of the second hand is heard. The program allows for background changes as well as other appearance and. Free download of Drunken Clock Screensaver 3.22, size 1.83 Mb.

Christmas Edition of the 3D Drunken Clock Screensaver protects your monitor by displaying an attractive analog clock with christmass tree that looks like you're viewing it through water. Its numbers and hands float gently around the screen against a moving background. The program allows for background changes as well as other appearance and. Free download of 3D Christmas Clock Screensaver 4.01, size 3.04 Mb.

Get a bunch of original Clock at your desktop in one single clock screensaver: Aurora Clock . Sun Clock . 50s Retro Clock . Soon Clock . DJ Set Clock . Salvadore Dali Clock . Merry Flower and White Flower Clock . Rainy Clock and Vanguard Voltmeter Clock . Configure the screensaver as you like to get one random Clock per screensaver run or even a new clock . Free download of 7art Clock Pile ScreenSaver 1.1, size 1.09 Mb.

Clock Screen Saver is popular screensaver software that displays the current time in the way of cool digital or analog clock . Program has 3 clock modes: analog clock . digital clock and text-digital clock . You can customize every clock mode as you like. For example, you can set different colors for every digit or clock hand, choose the time format. Free download of Clock Screen Saver 1.70, size 1.07 Mb.

Tipsy Clock Screensaver is a skinnable digital clock . which randomly and smoothly moves across the screen. You can write your own text message which will run as a ticker. A synchronization function will set your PC clock to atomic time via the Internet. Free download of Tipsy Clock Screensaver 1.2, size 1.55 Mb.

Tired of your regular PC clock? Want something special for your computer screen? Thenget this amazing Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver. It shows you all the "internals" andmechanisms, all working in perfect sync. We've even hired a practicing clock master to beour consultant to help us design a realistic clock screensaver, selecting an. Free download of Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver 1, size 2.13 Mb.

A nice desktop clock that displays a a scene of a halloween pumpkin head. The clock displays the time that you have set on your comnputer. Every hour the clock dings the amount of times according to what time it is. You can shut the sounds off. A nice screen saver clock to have for halloween. Free download of Halloween Pumpkin Head Clock Screen Saver 1, size 766.98 Kb.

A nice desktop clock that displays a a scene of a witch on a halloween night. The clock displays the time that you have set on your comnputer. Every hour the clock dings the amount of times according to what time it is. You can shut the sounds off. A nice screen saver clock to have for halloween. Free download of Halloween Night Clock Screen Saver 1, size 778.24 Kb.

A nice desktop clock that displays a a scene of a cat in a graveyard. The clock displays the time that you have set on your comnputer. Every hour the clock dings the amount of times according to what time it is. You can shut the sounds off. A nice screen saver clock to have for halloween. Free download of Spooky Halloween Clock Screen Saver 1, size 797.70 Kb.

Premium Clock features an analog clock . a digital clock . a fully customized tray clock . a customized desktop, an atomic clock . an alarm scheduler, and a calendar. Once you start using Premium Clock . you'll know exactly what time it is. Analog clock . digital clock and calendar can stay always on top or disappear when you move the mouse cursor over. Free download of Premium Clock 2.31, size 2.42 Mb.

Clock was designed as a Windows desktop program. Clock works and looks like a standard clock with extra features. Clock appears while system startup and resides on the desktop. Almost all details of the clock are configurable by the user to suit their own tastes and affects the appearance of other clock windows. The main features include Time Voice. Free download of Desktop Clock 2.8, size 5.70 Mb.

Sharp World Clock - Desktop World Clock / Time Zone Clock, Timezone Converter and Alarmclock for Windows

Are you looking for a sophisticated desktop world time clock / alarm clock / time zone converter for your Windows desktop - flexible, always accurate and customizable? Look no further, you have found it! Sharp World Clock is a feature-packed, state-of-the-art time zone clock and alarm clock software, using state of the art Microsoft programming technology (.Net / WPF). It is intuitively, enjoyably and easy to use. Over five years of development have gone into this program. Download the free trial version right now and join thousands of satisfied users all over the world.

Resizable Desktop World Clock / Time Zone Clock

Put Sharp World Clock on your Windows desktop as a constantly or temporarily visible timepiece, so you can see the time for every city or location you need. There is no limit for the number of clocks - it comes with 8 clocks, but you can easily add more. And no limit for the style and size also: clocks can be small or very big, in a window or single. Clocks are resizable without any loss of sharpness or visual quality, because the interface is using vector based graphics. You can have an analog or digital display of the time and date and any time format you like, in any language. » Download now

Alarm Clock: Alarms, Reminders, Chimes

Sharp World Clock comes with a powerful alarm center. It can be an alarm clock for you: always handy when you wish to add an appointment. You can add alarms for your current time zone or any other time zone, that you have set up a clock for. Just open the Alarm Center, select the date and the time and "Local Time" or "Time in City. ". You can not only set up single alarms, but countdown alarms, hourly, weekly, monthly and periodic alarms too. Alarms can be edited in the alarm list (for upcoming alarms) or in the alarm history list (for passed alarms). Chimes can be set on the hour and, optionally, on the quarter. You can use a realistically sounding bell sound (grandfather clock / church bell) or let the clock speak the time like: "The time is eleven hours, fourty minutes am".

Desktop Calendar Widget

With the included calendar widget you always have a small month calendar widget on your desktop. It is steplessly resizable like the clocks and you can choose any color you like, even make it semi-transparent. Clicking a day opens the alarm center dialog, ready to enter a new event. Events from the alarm center show up in the calendar as triangular markers and on mouse-over you can see the event details in a small popup window.

Time Zone Converter / Time Zone Calculator / Meeting Scheduler

Sharp World Clock comes with a powerful time zone converter with three functions. 1. a converter . where you can select a city, time and date and get the time and date for another city you select. 2. a meeting planner . which shows you all cities you have in your current clocks and the time differences in a graphical overview. Move a slider to show the time for any given local time: easy to use for choosing the ideal time for phone conferences! 3. a time shift function - this moves the time and date in all your clocks within a -12..+36 hours time frame, showing the actual time in the selected locations.

Full List of Features

Any number of resizable clocks you need, in a line (horizontal / vertical) or grid arrangement or single

Fully transparent background with no surrounding rectangle (adjustable transparency)

Undock Clocks from the main window and arrange them anywhere; redock them if you need to

Fully customizable, huge city database with every Time Zone and every Country in the world, search function included

Show the time on resizable analog and/or digital clocks

Choose from a variety of Date / Time Formatters or create your own time format in your own language or in any language; use 12 hour (am/pm) mode or 24 hour (military) mode

Select any Color (solid or gradient) or Background Image (stretched or tiled) you like for the clock faces; you can change the provided presets or create your own from scratch

Choose different Fonts and Font Sizes for city labels, digital clock and the numbers on the analog clock faces

Select from 9 different hour / minute hands and 9 different second hands for the analog clocks

Realistic, soft shadows for the clock faces, the clock hands and the labels (Windows Vista / Windows 7 only)

Integrated World Map with time zones, earth shadow and the sun's position plus zoom view with Country Borders

Realistically sounding Chimes (sound signals) on the hour and optionally every quarter (church bell / grandfather's clock style)

Accurate Sunrise, Sunset and Moon Phase calculation (no internet connection required), even for the polar zones!

Integrated Alarm Center with unlimited alarms (local time zone or any other time zone (once, hourly, weekly, monthly, annualy, periodic timers plus count-down timers), silent or with sound in wav, mp3, wma or mid format ; even spoken messages!

Resizable Calendar Widget with variable color - click to add or edit alarms

Sticky Notes with configurable sizes, colors, fonts and font sizes - always just a click away

Always up-to-date Daylight Saving Time database, updated with Windows updates (you do not have to update the program ever to stay up-to-date!)

Global, configurable Hotkeys to hide and show the program window, to power off your monitor(s) during work breaks and to eject your disk drive with a key combination

Display the local time or UTC offset and a "daylight saving" indicator (*) for each city in the upper left corner of the clock faces and an AM/PM indicator in the right corner

Check for precise atomic time with a list of NIST servers on the internet and set the system clock accordingly (manually or automatically)

Speaking Time on the hour, on the quarter, every 5 minutes or even every minute

International Country Flags of all countries on top of the clock faces (optional)

Optionally "gray out" clocks (apply a dimming effect), which are outside of the Out of Office time span (time span can be set for each clock individually) or alternatively during the night (after sunset and before sunrise) or after noon (12 PM)

Unmovable mode and Click through mode . to use the program as a desktop background

Temporarily adjust the time of all clocks within a +/- 12 hours time span (5 minute grid) with a trackbar, so you can instantly and intuitively see the time in other cities for any selected time!

Unique Artifical Sky feature (graphical representation of the day/night sky) for every clock, showing the position of the sun on the horizon (switchable for northern or southern hemisphere)

Add new cities, edit existing cities or delete cities; add a web link and a text note for every city

Auto-sort clocks by time zone or by city name; Optionally change the clock order by drag & drop within a list view

Easy-to-use RSS/Atom Feed Reader with search function: Keeps you in touch with your favourite News Feeds (editable collection of news sites included)

System Tray (Tray Icon) mode and variable Always On Top option

Time Zone Converter - convert from one time zone to another easily, for any given date and time

Meeting Scheduler - arrange telephone conferences easily and intuitively across several time zones

Weather Report for the current day and the next four days, for every included city - with animated weather icons

Dialing codes for phone conferences, ISO codes

Export / Import function to save/backup and transfer all your settings and restore them again later

Ready for Multi-Monitor-Environments and Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)

Easy and intuitively to use and to configure . you'll probably never need the help files.

Excellent stablilty and accuracy. No internet connection required during normal use

No subscription fees and free updates for life!


Time zone / daylight saving data are automatically kept up-to-date with Windows Updates

Alarm Clock with unlimited single / count-down / recurring alarms in daily / weekly / monthly / annual intervals

12 hour (AM/PM) or 24 hour time display in any way you like, in any language; Display an unlimited number of resizable analog and digital clocks on your desktop, for any city or time zone you like

Spoken time, spoken messages, realistic chime (gong) sound on the hour and on the quarter, optionally with spoken time

Apply an adjustable shadow (dimmer) to clocks a)Out-of-Office (adjustable for every location), b)during the Night (after sunset), c)before 6 AM and after 6 PM or d) after Noon (12 o'clock in the daytime)

Intuitive Meeting Scheduler . see at one glance, when best to schedule a telephone conference across several time zones

Resizable Calendar Widget and Sticky Notes with configurable colors - always just a mouse click away

Weather Report for each city and location for the current day and for the next four days, with day / night icons

Reviews and Testimonials

I take pride in making Sharp World Clock the very best world clock application you can get. It is being used by thousands of satisfied private and business users (including many big companies and organizations).

I guarantee that the statements below are from actual, authentic reviews by registered users of this program. Visit CNET / Download. com to see these reviews or add your own

» Great world timer for the traveller. I downloaded about 5 programs and found it to be the best. Easy to use; clear and concise.«

» The clock app that I like better & better with time. Great attention to detail. Subtle features that keep enhancing value of clock, but clean simple, reliable interface.«

» Best product of its type I could find. Visually appealing and very user friendly: I like the fact that you can select the clocks you want, customize the presentation, and all clocks are managed in one single user interface.«

» Very easy to set up, very functional, easy to use and look at. The only clock I found that utilizes daylight savings correctly for the regions I need. Brilliant stuff. The best clock available, absolutely no doubt.«

» This is a sophisticated tool - but totally intuitive to set up and use. The whole design has been well thought out through. This is an example of "excellence". I have never seen such an elegant and useful international time tool. I downloaded (and uninstalled) plenty of others before I found this one.«

» I did my research - this is the best one out there. The time converter is indispensable for planning phone conferences. The program is fast, visually pleasing and quite customizable. The moon phase thing is a nice extra. Great job - thanks!«

» Amazing Clock Application! Best I have ever used. Tons and tons of customization features. As many clocks as you wish and how you wish to make them look. Weather is included. Looks professional, clean and sharp. Easy to reference, edit, and customize. I need access to several world time zones at a glance with my work. This application is perfect. Easy to see and reference. I love this application.«

» This is an excellent program, it does what it says. Easy to customise, easy to use, intuitive program that is pleasing to the eye and very useful.«

» Very flexible, aesthetically pleasing. Unlimited clocks, digital, analog or both. Three alarms. Calendar. Time zone converter. Large number of locations programmed for selection or you can set up any location you want. There's a visual display of the day or night sky on each clock that turns out to really be quite helpful. The clock faces can display country flags, which is neat. A world map. Everything is selectable and adjustable. Very easy to use. Really a nice program.«

» Excellent! Beautifully designed! Beautiful display, very customizable. Editable DST rules. You can taylor the clocks to look just as you please. There is a nice world map showing sun lit areas.«

» This program is well done and very useful. I am glad that I downloaded it. I enjoy using this program every chance I get.«

» Attractive and functional world clock. Very attractive design; I like the options for personalizing the display. Handy to have clocks for several cities displayed at once. I looked at several options before deciding to go with this one.«

» Very good value, excellent display, easy to customise and serves its purpose exactly.«

» It's not often that you find a program that far exceeds your expectations. This one does. There is nothing left out, no holes, no bugs. It has features you'd never think of yet are invaluable when dealing with clients or friends in different time zones. It is easily worth twice the price; you won't be disappointed! Microsoft could take a few lessons from the creator of this program. «

» It is aesthetically pleasing in every way. It is customisable and simple to use and has everything a desktop clock needs and more. Save yourself time and stop looking. its the best, believe me.«

» Outstanding: great looking, highly functional. Exactly what I needed - one click to see the cities I want. Highly configurable, reasonably priced. Excellent support from the author.«

Lee mas

» The perfect clock for amateur radio operators. The clock configuration and view of the sun for each clock is perfect. In my opinion this is the best visual clock I've ever tried and I tried at least 6 others. Great product and GREAT service!!«

» Excellent software, wipes out any competing software, keep up the good work!« (a registered user via email)

» Fabulous Product. Very easy to read - love the ability to set the colors & background displays as I choose. Easy to edit and add or remove locations. I absolutely love my Sharp World Clock. It is always visable on my desktop enabling me to keep track of my local time in the states as well as the time of a friend in London so we can Skype & IM. I registered several years ago. Créeme. this desktop clock will remain a part of my desktop for a very long time!«

» Best clock program I have seen & worth for money spent. Nice interface & easy to customize; It has 34 preset faces to choose & almost everything is adjustable according to need. Time offset of other cities from local time is very useful. Graphical sky interface gives an easy visualization of other cities. Compared to other similar products its interface is attractive. Both analog and digital clocks can be set. There is no limit to the number of clocks. Time zone converter is provided. A graphic sky can be attached to the clock face - this is not seen in similar other products. Lots of other functions provided. I strongly recommend to try it.«

» I checked out quite a few sites, but this one stood out by far, because it's very good looking, highly customizable, powerful and trustworthy being 100% clean and tested. In short, nothing short of excellent. Finally, the author Mr. Johannes Wallroth is also very courteous, helpful and responsive.«

» Most of my customers are in other countries. I also have several sales people that are scattered over the USA. Sharp World Clock helps me keep up with time of both. I love it!.«

» Reliable, easy to use, lots of features. It is really one of the best in the market. You just have all in one: calculating time zone, multi-use alarm and every day remainder. Using it every day.«

» Great program with many as yet unexplored options - and I've been using it daily for over two years. With every new computer, Sharp World Clock is one of the first programs I install. Well worth the money, especially with free upgrades for life.«

» This is a feature rich and mature piece of software which I've been using for almost three years. I'm an engineer with appreciation for detail and this product provides a simple interface with layers of superb detail which allows me to configure precisely as I want. World Clock takes care of summer and winter savings time by applying the appropriate rules at the exact change over times - I dont need to concern myself with that detail. If you have a requirement for knowing local times around the world, this is the best software product available, I tried all I could find before settling on this and it's never let me down during the past three years..«

» I like it's many ways to customize it, the looks and the overall functionality, I have for an example 10 clocks on my desktop showing the time of my friends all over the world customized the way I want them. I have many DJ friends around the globe and I've always had the problem that I didn't know what their local time was. I tried many different so called world clocks but nothing as good as the Sharp World Clock. Very easy to configure and good looking app. Much recommended!«

» Features galore and they are just awesome. I am in the FOREX market, this clock makes my life considerably easier for the different time zones conversion I deal with. The support is speedy and very to the point. Thanks Mr Wallroth.«

» The Sharp World Clock takes care of my needs perfectly. I email or call people halfway around the world very often, so the night sky feature lets me know at a glance if I am calling too early or too late. Highly recommended even if you just call nationally from coast to coast. «

» I have been using this for many years, it is practical and colorful. Free updates forever and great customer service. Muy recomendable. Just love the product.«

» I've used it for 4 years. Highly flexible and customizable, yet menus are easy to understand and use. So much people want every bell & whistle imaginable, which wouldn't necessarily make this better. Technical support is the BEST!«

» The product is top of the line for what it is intended to do. I have used other world clock programs but this one is tops in terms of look and feel, functionality and general usage. Just having it on my desktop gets people interested since so many people often need to know what time it is in other parts of the world. Conducting world-wise business, this at-a-glance look for world time is exactly what I have been looking for.«

» I travel a lot and have been using the Sharp World Clock for several years. It helps me avoid those calls when you have to say "Oh sorry, I forgot the 9 hour time difference. " Keep up the fine work - I don't know what I'd do without it. If you avoid a single embarrassing call that wakes someone in the middle of their night, it is money well spent. Stop looking for something free because you'll get exactly what you pay for. This is the BEST!«

» What has impressed me most about this product is the integration of both functionality and elegance, with no apparent "trade off" between the two. I've tried so many world clock programs and none have come close to this one. It's not just visually appealing either; the sound files (the chimes in particular) are hauntingly realistic. Highly recommended.«

» I can not imagine a feature you would want in a clock app that is not included in Sharp World Clock. It makes other clock programs look dumb. Version 5 has outdone itself. I like to trade on world markets like forex and I use this program to remind me when markets are opening or close. That is super easy with alarms and office hours. I can only think of about 100 other reasons to use it. If you need an app for even one other time zone I wouldn't bother with the others, I did and this is the one I was looking for. It is fun to configure and is really sharp.«

» My friends ask why I would pay for a clock program when there are so many that are free. Hah! There are mostly many that have very limited functionality. I congratulate you for your effort and your insights. This is by far the most useful of the many clock programs I've tried. The customizing options are superb. You've truly done a world-class job with it.

Version History

7.1 (March 24th, 2017) Since some users demanded it, the Time Zone Calculator window is now resizable and allows to view more cities without scrolling. The calendar widget can now be opened and closed from the menu and the opened state shows as a checkmark.

7.0 Improved the Time Zone Calculator window by giving the Meeting Scheduler an extra page. Fixed the chime (did not work correctly at midnight). Several minor modifications.

6.9 Added a "Show 2 Months" option to the calendar widget. Fixed the auto clock synch function for installations running on Windows 10.

6.81 Minor bug fixes: improved behavior for info tooltip window, when clocks are in topmost mode; fixed graphical bug, when a clock was moved inside the main window and "Integrate Corners" is selected; fixed time zone for Minsk, Belarus

6.8 Alarm Center opens at the selected date now, when the calendar widget is clicked for a new appointment; Bugfix: time and date is now right-aligned correctly for all cities of any text string length in the context menu (used custom drawn menu items); Included the calendar widget to the "Center Clocks" function (move all windows to screen center) and excluded it from the Alt+Tab function like other windows; Fixed checkmark for the "Click Through" context menu item (was one item off since adding the new Center Clocks item)

6.71 Bugfix: the current month / marked day on the calendar widget now switches correctly, after awakening from hibernation or on the next day

6.7 New feature: Calendar Widget Add a small calendar to your desktop - resizable and with configurable background color. Click a day to add or edit/review an alarm. Alarms are also shown on mouse over; Some minor bug fixes and code optimizations

6.6 (first release not just tested, but also developed on a Windows 8 machine) Added a 5th tab to the Configuration Assistant: Startup Behavior, where the features "Start with Windows", "Hide on Startup" and "Hide / Show Hotkey" can be configured; Digitally signed the clock setter executables; Fixed a few minor bugs

6.5 Fixed a bug in the Configuration Assistant (a disabled country flag threw an exception on next launch); Changed order of menu items: Edit Clock / Settings is now first item in context menu; Added a settings item for entering proxy settings (for activation / weather forecast function); Some code optimizations

6.41 Fixed the Configuration Assistant for some users who were having issues on Windows 8.1; Added an option "Keep on Screen" in the settings (activated by default), which tries to keep all windows within the visible screen area Since a few users were having problems with this function, they can now deactivate it. Added a menu item "Center Clocks" to the tray icon context menu: can be used if clocks are somehow out-of-reach; The edit dialog is now a little larger, so the controls have more space

6.4 Added a "Configuration Assistant" to the program, which is launched on first installation, instead of the help dialog (or later from the context menu: "Assistant"); Modernised and improved some program code

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Forex Clock

The idea is great but it is not very robust in the way is parses Cabrillo files. I had to.

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All traders uses Market Clock Gadget and square measure cognizant that the Forex market is open twenty four hours five days per week. and each once wondered: At what time to trade higher, and once to refrain from any trades? On this and on the way to confirm their relative time UT (Coordinated Universal Time) or UT1 (Greenwich Mean Time), and that we can speak during this post. Technically commercialism week starts on a Sunday morning in Tel Aviv (Israel), however thanks to the little volume of commercialism this session ignore.

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However the important starting is taken into account the start of commercialism in Wellington (New Zealand). But here, a awfully little business marketplace, then the market involves life only if the bidding starts in Tokio (Japan) and state capital (Australia). Is then connected the biggest commercialism center in London (England) and at now, as a rule, the market is far a lot of active. Peak commercialism activity happens once the London session is side and big apple (the second largest commercialism volumes commercialism Centre).

Market Clock Gadget showing real time international exchange market and facilitate to accurately see the start and finish of sessions. hand stock clock in contrast to standard clock solely will one revolution per day (one rotation each twenty four hours), and therefore the minute and second hands to form one rotation in hr and sixty seconds, severally, as in standard clock. In addition, the stock clock can facilitate confirm the time offset your broker regarding the time in UT or UT1, which can be necessary for setting the properties in some specialists advisors. for instance, on the clock of your broker is currently 15:32, and 13:32 on the stock clock. during this case, the time of your broker – UT +2 (GMT +2).

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All traders uses Market Clock Gadget and square measure cognizant that the Forex market is open twenty four hours five days per week. and each once wondered: At what time to trade higher, and once to refrain from any trades? On this and on the way to confirm their relative time UT (Coordinated Universal Time) or UT1 (Greenwich Mean Time), and that we can speak during this post. Technically commercialism week starts on a Sunday morning in Tel Aviv (Israel), however thanks to the little volume of commercialism this session ignore.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

However the important starting is taken into account the start of commercialism in Wellington (New Zealand). But here, a awfully little business marketplace, then the market involves life only if the bidding starts in Tokio (Japan) and state capital (Australia). Is then connected the biggest commercialism center in London (England) and at now, as a rule, the market is far a lot of active. Peak commercialism activity happens once the London session is side and big apple (the second largest commercialism volumes commercialism Centre).

Market Clock Gadget showing real time international exchange market and facilitate to accurately see the start and finish of sessions. hand stock clock in contrast to standard clock solely will one revolution per day (one rotation each twenty four hours), and therefore the minute and second hands to form one rotation in hr and sixty seconds, severally, as in standard clock. In addition, the stock clock can facilitate confirm the time offset your broker regarding the time in UT or UT1, which can be necessary for setting the properties in some specialists advisors. for instance, on the clock of your broker is currently 15:32, and 13:32 on the stock clock. during this case, the time of your broker – UT +2 (GMT +2).

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¿Que hora es? Using a Fibonacci clock to tell the time

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B Clock Indicator

Thing you should know about b clock Indicator

You are in the perfect place if you have come looking for free downloadable b clock Indicator. Now, you possibly can avail b clock indicator mq4 for Metatrader 4 or Metatrader 5 at no cost. This indicator is great for Metatrader 4 or MT4 and also Metatrader 5 or MT5. In fact, this is also compatible as well as functions well in other Metatrader editions obtainable.

We also had a photo of the b clock once you have installed it. You can also find various other Metatrader Clock Indicators in our site. If you would like to download these indicators all you must do is go to our Clock indicator section. After selecting the right indicator, you can then download the file so that you can utilize it.

More and more people are downloading this indicator. To date, there are roughly [post_view time=”day”] people who downloaded the b clock totaling a hefty [post_view] total downloads. All you need to perform is click on the download button and save this indicator in your PC.

If you consider this indicator is advantageous then please make rating of this indicator. With the help of your rating, there will be other metatraders users who may get serious about downloading the indicator. In the event you think our website is helpful one and good catalogue of best indicators for mt4 then please be sure to share it with your associates making use of the share buttons. Thanks for visiting ForexAu as well as for obtaining our b clock in your Metatrader.

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Debido al alto nivel de riesgo El comercio de divisas (Forex) podría no ser apropiado para todos los inversores. Tenga cuidado con el apalancamiento como su aumentar el riesgo de la cuenta de comercio. Un cierto nivel de experiencia es bueno antes de hacer cualquier inversión de dinero real en Forex Market.

Como el comercio de Forex es muy arriesgado, siempre hay una oportunidad de perder su inversión / depósitos. Es aconsejable no comerciar en una cantidad si no puede permitirse la pérdida. Muchos comerciantes de Forex soplaron su cuenta entera y muchos están haciendo el dinero de ella. Nadie va a garantizar su pérdida y beneficio en Forex. Su inversión en divisas es su propia responsabilidad. Es bueno tomar consejo de asesor financiero antes de entrar en este mercado.

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This App doesn't uses an internal clock in order to check the battery status. Take control of the battery usage of your iPhone / iPod Touch with this app. Also you can check the Disk Space, MAC ADDRESS and other information about your system.

ClockN Free is a simple desk clock. It is possible to change it into five colors by pushing an upper right button. Additional alarm. Note: A free ad-supported version and a paid ad-free version are available. FunctionВў Skin color changes Skin color.

Size: 4.3 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 03/25/2017

These projects can later on be used to Clock on, register your efforts. Quickly discover your monthly turnover. Clocker is a perfect app for freelancers and consultants. Within the application you can define custom projects and its pricing. Estas.

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Some of the challenges include doing the perfect wave at a baseball game, dialing a lock combination, turning the hands on a clock to get. Over 3 Million Fans.

How quick are you fingers? Race against time and yourself to achieve.

Size: 21.1 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 04/03/2017

Are you learning Binary, or do you want to unleash your inner geek? BCD Binary clock may help. This clock displays the current time in BCD, and allows you to configure the colors for binary on and off, so you can customize it as you see fit. Eres tú.

Size: 102.4 KB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 07/08/2017

This clock is a two in one - a flashlight and a night clock . It provides you with a fullscreen view of the current time. With always-on feature you can use your iPhone as desk or bedside clock . If you need a flashlight, turn on and off the. This clock .

Size: 1.3 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 09/19/2017

Can play in the background behind music or your alarm clock app. The ultimate in background noise apps. All CD quality stereo audio files. Includes 16 sounds and more to come. Can play in the background behind music or your alarm clock app.

Size: 57.8 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 07/31/2017

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Are you sitting alone in a dark room? Are you wondering what time it is, but can't look at the screen? Haunting Clock is just what you're looking for¦Hear the time with a haunting series of notes every minute of the day. No need to look at the. Son.

Size: 3.4 MB, Price: USD $0.99, License: Shareware, Date: 05/17/2017

This clock is a two in one - a flashlight and a night clock . It provides you with a fullscreen view of the current time. With always-on feature you can use your iPhone as desk or bedside clock . If you need a flashlight, turn on and off the. This clock .

Size: 1.4 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 07/20/2017

Shalom! This application combines the old with the new, using traditional Hebrew number notation on a digital clock. While this system is rarely used nowadays you can still find it in a religious context like Bible references, Jewish Kabbalah etc. Shalom!

Car Clock is more than just a stunningly HOT looking clock for your car. It is a perfect set of tools you may need in your car everyday:FEATURES----------A GORGEOUS LOOKING DIGITAL CLOCK - FLASHLIGHT-SPEEDOMETER-SPEED WARNING SYSTEMCar Clock is an.

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Keep up to date with news, opinion articles, economic indicators and technical analysis for forex trading. The Forex Crunch app provides a stylish experience for forex traders who want fast access to the important forex related information on the.

Size: 14.5 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 08/18/2017

Rise and shine with the NBC 4 Southern California Morning App! Set the NBC 4 Wake-Up alarm clock before you go to bed and a member of the morning team will wake you up to get you ready for the day ahead. Keep your iPhone handy and watch the. Rise.

Size: 12.7 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 05/03/2017

Caracteristicas. Recording. Alarm Clock . Sleep. Radio Jamaica brings you stations: TBC Radio 88.5, Jam1, Power FM 106.1, News Talk 93, Love 101 101.1, TELLSTREAM, Power FM 2 106.1, Stylz FM 2 96.1, TBC Radio 88.5, Genesis Radio Jamaica, Linkz.

Size: 14.3 MB, Price: USD $0.99, License: Shareware, Date: 11/24/2017

ATLOS Laser Alarm ClockMemscape presents a laser alarm clock collection for Apple iPhones."ATLOS" is an elegant designer laser clock . a blend of modern and futuristic design. copyright© memscape audiovisual artmovementApp content:- laser alarm.

Size: 614.4 KB, Price: USD $1.99, License: Shareware, Date: 07/09/2017

It is a n analog clock but with a twist. When you start the app the numbers start to float all over the screen. Also you have the option to with off the lights in the app which is cool. It is a n analog clock but with a twist. When you start the app.

Size: 8.4 MB, Price: USD $0.00, License: Freeware, Date: 09/06/2017

Forex Clock Indicator

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Exchange forex clocks coldplay instrumental

Town" by Craig McLachlan and Check 1-2 "London" by The girls, who are all classically trained, play all traditional Chinese instruments but the sound they produce is far from traditional exchange forex clocks coldplay instrumental. The thirteen members of Twelve Girls Band are: Bin Qu Liao, Shuang Zhang, Ting Sun, Song Mei Yang, Ying Lei, Li Jun Zhan, Jing Jing Ma, Yan Yin, Bao Zhong, Jian Nan Zhou, Kun Zhang, Yuan, Sun, and Jin Jiang. Jian-Nan gu zheng 4. ALSO RECOMMENDED: MEHDI

INSTRUMENTAL HEAVEN VOLUME 7. Shuang pipa Thanks, ladies. There's even a reverse pyramid motif in their "Freedom" pivot points forex books pdf, where there's a five-four-three arrangement while they play in the exchange forex clocks coldplay instrumental. Certainly a different take on western music. Into The Heart: The Stories Behind Every U2 Song Third ed. Our own Android App Now it's much easier to identify videos on mobile android devices! The thirteen members of Twelve Girls Band are: Bin Qu Liao, Shuang Zhang, Ting Sun, Song Mei Yang, Ying Lei, Li Jun Zhan, Jing Jing Ma, Yan Yin, Bao Zhong, Jian Nan Zhou, Kun Zhang, Yuan, Sun, and Jin Jiang. Depending on how long the video is and how many videos are currently being analysed, it can take a couple of seconds or up to 15 minutes for our team of highly trained cows to go through the video and compare its sound to the 7 million songs they memorized. Paul-Phillips "Euston Station" by Barbara Ruskin "Euston Station" by Betty and the Werewolves "Euston Station" by "Evening In London" by Julian Slade and Dorothy Reynolds from the musical Forex indicator for m5 forum e60 m5 That Girl' "Every Little Movement" by and "Up to the West End, right in the Best End, straight from the country came Miss Maudie Brown" "Every Loser In London" by "Every Tube Station" by Jay Foreman "Everybody Salsa" by "Now this ain't Puerto Rico, this is London E18" "Everything Eventually" by Exchange forex clocks coldplay instrumental go fly a kite on Primrose Hill' "Everything's Changed Since You've Been To London " by "The Evil Eye" by 'I got a job in Choose from over 13,000 locations across the UK Prime members get unlimited deliveries at no additional cost How to exchange forex clocks coldplay instrumental to an Amazon Pickup Location? I loved all the songs. Thank you for you seeing it. After hearing EASTERN ENERGY several times I found quite a few aspects to like, while a few areas left a bit to be desired. Oh, by the way, the women on the front cover and the instruments they're holding are as follows: 1. If you're interested in purchasing Eastern Energy, you're paying for the CD, not the DVD. Smart "Mario's Cafe" by a cafe in Exchange forex clocks coldplay instrumental town "Martell" by "Martin" by Clapham "Maryon Park" by Oliver Cherer "Mary Whitehouse" by FAGGOT Kennington Park "The Masher King of Piccadilly" by "Mash It Up Harry" by Wembley, Wembley Way, Harold Hill etc. FWD — London Riots. They then do an equally strikingly exotic cover of Coldplay's "Clocks" that totally outdoes the original while retaining the melody and the sense of longing within. You wholeheartedly support customers as satisfactory.

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Using a World Clock in Forex Trading

In the currency market, you have a lot to worry about. What most traders and investors worry about, especially beginners, is making a profit. Forex trading is like any other business in the world and by investing in currencies, you won’t necessarily make back what you put into it in the first place. This is because risk comes with trading currencies. However, there are many elements to currency trading; one element of Forex trading is time.

Forex trading is international of course, because when you trade a currency pair, you are actually buying one currency from one nation and selling another currency, which is obviously going to come from another nation. Different nations will tend to work in different time zones – this will ultimately depend on the countries in question, but this is generally the case. For example, you might buy USD and sell GBP, but the United States is in a completely different time zone to the United Kingdom.

A world clock in Forex trading is an important tool. Although this is actually a very simple tool, it can help you out a lot when trading currencies. All good desktop computers will allow you to place a good world clock on the desktop of your desktop computer, which means that it is also very easy and convenient to use a world clock.

Once you have a world clock that you can access on demand, you will want to learn about the various trading sessions there are and when the Forex market is most active. There are multiple different trading sessions and it will ultimately depend on your Forex trading system, which sessions you decide to trade in. The three most well-known trading sessions are:

& # 8211; The London session (running from 3AM to 12PM EST)

& # 8211; The New York Session (running from 9AM to 5PM EST)

& # 8211; The Tokyo session (running from 7PM to 4AM EST).

There is a variety of different trading sessions which all work in different time zones. You will want to trade at the time of the appropriate trading session, for the currency pair(s) that you are focusing on. Good Forex traders trade the currency pair(s) that they are focusing on within appropriate trading sessions, so that they can invest in the FX market when there are higher levels of activity and greater trading volumes. Also, during the most active times of trading, trends are generally easier to spot and take advantage of. Technical indicators also tend to operate in more predictably, during more active times of Forex trading.

In conclusion, a world clock in currency trading can be a very useful tool to have and use. World clocks can allow Forex traders and investors to stay much more organized. By being aware of the time, you will be more likely to make profits in the market for currencies, since you will know when to trade; currency trading isn’t just about how to trade, but when to trade too. World clocks are very easy to use, convenient and hassle-free – but they are great tools to take advantage of and they are of course free too, so they are highly recommended to traders and investors in the Forex market.

How Forex Trading Works is a resourceful website that serves to deliver free, online content relating to Forex trading. to anyone and everyone.

Forex currency trading clock

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B-Clock Forex Indicator

B-Clock Forex Indicator is nice to attach on your Metatrader software. It informs the time of the candlestick where the candle will move next.

Sometime we look there is trade opportunity will come but we have to confirm the condition by waiting the current candle end and move to the next. Download and try the B Clock indicator and you will know what I mean.

4 Comentarios

February 13, 2017 at 4:16 am

Thank you for the indicator, this is very useful to know the coming end of the candle, because I use trade system that follow the confirmation of next candle. Aclamaciones

Brian D

May 19, 2017 at 4:30 am

Your Welcome, we also have custom indicator programming service, just let us know if you look for the such service

b-clock – Indicador para MetaTrader 5

This indicator measure time lefted before new candle appeared. In the upper left corner, indicator show details of it in minutes and seconds by string but on the last candle it shows by digital clock style. It is very useful for traders that required open their position exactly when the new candle is coming.

Core idea to get left time before new candle is coming:

Left lime = (Open Time of Current Candle + Current Time Frame) – Current Time

ShowComment . set to false to hide comment at left corner of chart.

FontColor . select your desirable color at this parameter. This color is only working for text that following running price.

FontSize . add your size of text that following running price.

FontName . add your font name here, i. e “Arial” or “Arial Bold”.

Offset . determine how many pips above running price your text will be displayed.

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Trade currencies online securely and effortlessly Get fast, convenient access to trade and monitor the Forex market, perform advanced research, and manage your online trading account – all in a complete, consolidated web-browser environment – on any computer with a secure internet connection. There is no software to download or install just login to get the information you want or to take action.

Trade Dashboard Get a detailed, real-time summary of your current positions and open orders, check your account and margin balances, review your account performance, and deposit funds.

Currency Pair Summary See important news, perform basic and advanced currency charting, read Forex-related research, fundamental analysis, and consider the economic events with the potential to affect for a particular currency pair.

QUICKDock Conveniently submit trades, review account balances, and see open orders and current positions from wherever you are on the website

Integrated Currency Charting Monitor and analyse the Forex market the way you want without having to open a new browser window. Our charting tools are highly customisable, helping you spot trends and identify trading opportunities with X intervals, X indicators and storable templates you can save for use everytime you log on.

Dow Jones News Stay on top of today’s fast-moving financial markets with real-time streaming news powered by Dow Jones FX Select. Access market commentary from around the world, analysis of trading trends and outlook on UK, European, US and Asian currencies

Award Winning Research & Commentary Get a read on the Forex market with real-time actionable commentary published by FOREX. com’s experienced research team, then dive deeper with a full suite of intraday, daily and weekly research on both fundamental and technical indicators.

Humorous Branding Campaign with Tagline, “It’s your world. Trade it.” Endeavours to Demystify Rapidly Growing Retail Forex Market

NEW YORK and LONDON, March 1, 2011 – FOREX. com, one of the best known brands in the retail forex industry, is launching its first television branding campaign targeting consumers in the U. S. and abroad.

FOREX. com is part of GAIN Capital (NYSE: GCAP), a global provider of online trading services

The campaign consists of a series of 30-second spots, each featuring a different “world trader” engaged in forex trading and expressing it in unexpected settings revealed at the end of each commercial. The spots conclude with the campaign’s tagline, It’s your world. Trade it.™, and are posted online at http://www. youtube. com/forexdotcom .

The campaign kicks off this week on a broad range of U. S. cable stations including BBC America, Bloomberg, CNBC, ESPN2, MSNBC, and TBS; they will also appear on stations throughout the EMEA region; in Asia; and in Australia.

The spots will also run on “Money in Motion Currency Trading,” a new 30-minute CNBC program focusing on the global currency market. FOREX. com is a co-sponsor of the program. The show will be recorded live from the NASDAQ MarketSite and will air on CNBC in the U. S. as well as on CNBC Europe, Middle East and Africa and CNBC Australia. It debuts on Friday, March 11 and will air in the U. S. on Fridays at 5:30 p. m. ET (in EMEA at 23:30 CET) and re-air on Saturdays at 7:00 p. m. ET.

“We’ve been marketing for years to traders and sophisticated self-directed investors who already understand the workings of the forex market,” said Samantha Roady, GAIN Capital chief marketing officer. “Now, we’re focused on expanding the overall market by reaching out to targeted consumers interested in trading a new asset class or looking to diversify their portfolio. The forex market is the world’s most traded market with some $4 trillion traded each day.”

The campaign was developed by DIGO (www. digobrands. com), New York, the agency that helped build “thinkorswim” into one of the top online brokers.

“FOREX. com isn’t just competing in a zero sum game for a fixed pool of retail traders – it is bringing lots of people into the category, and many of them are trading FX for the first time,” said Mark DiMassimo, CEO and chief creative officer of DIGO. “Before we can get down to what’s better about FOREX. com, we’ve got to create an aspiration. We feel that this campaign succeeds in doing just that.”

The “It’s your world. Trade it.” campaign is planned to go online in the second quarter of 2011.

Foreign exchange trading involves significant risk of loss, and is not suitable for all investors.

About DIGO Brands Founded in 1996 by Mark DiMassimo, DIGO Brands is a brand-driven growth network. Our companies work together seamlessly to help ambitious organizations grow. DIGO Brands have partnered with visionary leaders in many of the extraordinary growth successes of the past two decades, including: Comcast, Crunch Fitness, JetBlue, Island, GAIN Capital, ESPN, HBO, Citi, Gateway, McKinsey, thinkorswim and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, among others.

DIGO Brands include DiMassimo Goldstein, a leading full-service brand, advertising, direct and digital agency; PROOF accountable media planning and buying, DIGO/Ericho public relations and social marketing, brand-driven content, entertainment and digital products, and the Tappening & Offlining movements.

About GAIN Capital GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GCAP) is a global provider of online trading services. GAIN’s innovative trading technology provides market access and highly automated trade execution services across multiple asset classes, including foreign exchange (forex or FX), contracts for difference (CFDs) and exchange-based products, to a diverse client base of retail and institutional investors.

A pioneer in online forex trading, GAIN Capital operates FOREX. com®, one of the largest and best-known brands in the retail forex industry. GAIN’s other businesses include GAIN GTX, a fully independent ECN for hedge funds and institutions, and GAIN Securities, Inc. (member FINRA/SIPC) a licensed U. S. broker-dealer.

With offices in New York City; Bedminster, New Jersey; London; Sydney; Hong Kong; Tokyo; and Seoul, GAIN Capital and its affiliates are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the National Futures Association (NFA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States; the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the United Kingdom; the Financial Services Agency (FSA) in Japan; the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong; and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

After a crazy week full with fear and catastrophes, the markets are now closed. It’s time to sit back and enjoy some long-term forex related articles. Here are some picks from selected places on the web:

EUR/USD had another choppy week. Technically, is the recent move a correction or something bigger? Here are some answers .

Adam Kritzer discusses the Japanese troubles, even before the catastrophic earthquake.

Larry Greenberg looks forward to 2012 and discusses how economies are positioned.

Bradley W. Gareiss reviews one of the sensitive issues for any trader – where to place the stop loss.

Andriy Miraru provides tools for testing forex weekly gaps.

Jay Norris talks about risk – our Achilles heel.

Michael Greenberg reports that ForexYard has been acquired by SafeCap (aka Markets. com). Lots of action in the forex industry. Michael covers everything.

Francesc Riverola speaks with Elan Mendel, an associate at the Shopkevich law firm, about the recent CFTC lawsuits. Interesting details are revealed.

James Woodley presents a free webinar about creating financial security through trading.

Nathan Tucci. on Casey’s blog, reports about his first week of trading. His stories sound so familiar to any forex trader.

That’s it. Ten un excelente fin de semana!

Trading volume creating momentum after a market event and causing a breakout rally is great to the traditional Forex trader – so long as it does not rapidly reverse with momentum gaining then behind the reversal. With leverage used in a traditional Forex trade, if a reversal occurs, any stop losses placed do little to prevent a loss, and potential of a greater loss than originally invested becomes a possibility. Thankfully, there is a solution available to hedge the dreaded rally reversal. This solution builds on existing principles of binary options, which use no leverage and allow traders to place two trades on the same instrument.

As an example, let’s say a popular market event that influences USD related instruments happens. As more traders trade on a USD related instrument in response to the market event, momentum builds and a breakout rally results. As greater number of traders then experience profits on their trades, many begin selling, and now selling momentum builds, causing the rally to unexpectedly reverse. A traditional Forex trader watches with dread as he/she knows that with the leverage used, any stop loss placed will result in a loss of money. However, should traditional Forex traders use Binary Options to trade market events, traders have the ability to hedge their risk. Many are shifting to the use of Binary Options in trading market events because trading a market event using Binary Options decreases a trader’s risk in comparison to using traditional Forex.

With using a Binary Options trade, as the rally on the USD instrument gets under way after the market event, a trader could place a binary option trade in the direction of the rally. If the rally would then unexpectedly reverse, the trader is covered because the trader can place a trade in the opposite direction when the breakout price is crossed back down. Effectively, placing two trades on the same instrument just cancelled the original trade, but remember, no leverage is used in Binary Options trading, meaning a trader’s loss in this situation using Binary Options is often less than ten percent of the invested amount. With leverage in a traditional Forex trade of a market event, much greater losses than just ten percent of the invested amount usually occur in a breakout rally reversal. Hence, using Binary Options is simply the less risky way to trade on market events for all traders, novice and professional.

Open an account with StartOptions and receive a special Valentines Week Special bonus!

Full Disclosure: I’m affiliated with StartOptions .

“If you are willing to learn MQL4 the programming language for MetaTrader 4 and if you consider yourself a self-learner then register to this course. You can also chat with Al Parsai up to once a week and ask your MQL related questions. Your emails are always welcome. With his help you can reach your dream of developing your trading robots or custom indicators. Don’t miss this opportunity.” & # 8211; PipBoxer. com

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Advertencia de Riesgo. Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are leveraged products. Trading in these products is highly speculative and involves substantial risk. Please note that even knowledgeable and well experienced investors can experience large potential losses as a result of trading in Forex and CFDs. Consequently, investors should be fully aware of all the risks involved when trading Forex and CFDs and accept all the negative consequences associated with such trading. Please always remember that trading in Forex and CFDs might not be suitable for all investors. It is desirable investors who would consider trading, to do so only with money that they can afford to lose. You are also recommended to seek independent financial advice if necessary. The content on this website does not constitute financial or investment advice. Any information herein is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal circumstances, investment experience or current financial situation.

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Tight Clocks in a Tight Week

While daylight savings time still prevails in North America, European countries already shifted their clocks towards the winter. This anomaly will last only one week – but it’s the most likely the most tight week of the year. Here’s how this will impact trading.

The New York and London sessions are the most intense and usually the most volatile in the forex market. Both cities are major global financial centers.

During four hours, between 12:00 to 16:00 GMT, the sessions overlap. The European afternoon / American morning is the busiest time. During these four hours, major figures are released in the US: most of them at 12:30 and 14:00 GMT.

After the shift of the clock in Europe, including Britain, as seen in Forex Factory’s calendar . the overlapping period is increased from 4 to 5 hours – from 12:00 to 17:00 GMT. This means that the major action will start earlier for Europeans / will end later for Americans. This extra hour of high volume and high volatility is of high importance for day traders. More action.

This is one of the busiest weeks in the year, with the FOMC meeting about QE2 being the major events that the markets are waiting for in the past two months. Add the monthly circus of the Non-Farm Payrolls, rate decisions in Australia, Japan, the Euro-zone and Britain and lots of other releases typical to the first week of the month, and you get busy trading with an extra hour of high volatility.

In addition, this makes events closer to each other. Thursday and Friday are the best examples. On Thursday, the British rate decision is released just 30 minutes before the US unemployment claims, and the European rate decision only 15 minutes afterwards. This promises high volatility in both EUR/USD and GBP/USD .

On Frid’ay, British PPI and European retail sales got closer to the almighty Non-Farm Payrolls and the employment numbers in Canada, that always rock the Canadian dollar. A special “treat” expects EUR/CAD traders – German factory orders, coincide with the Canadian employment figures. Both are released at the same time – 11:00 GMT.

Next week things will get to normal – at least regarding the clock shift. The markets will probably continue shaking on the echoes of QE2 and on fresh news.

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sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Clock v1 3 mq4 indicator is Forex custom indicator for MT4 and MT5. Puede descargar este indicador de forma gratuita y utilizarlo en su estrategia comercial. The Clock v1 3 mq4 Forex custom indicator is built for all Forex traders who use metatrader 4 and metatrader 5 trading software. Podemos simplemente trazar este indicador a nuestra carta de negociación. You can also review and rate Clock v1 3 mq4 indicator. Puede guardar este indicador de archivo mq4 en su trading de metatrader y utilizarlo de forma gratuita para mejorar su estrategia comercial.

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Forex News Clock Free


The 1.0 version of Forex News Clock is provided as a free download on our website. This free software is a product of Forex News Clock. The program lies within Home & Hobby Tools, more precisely General. Our antivirus analysis shows that this download is malware free.

If you had checked before you had started trading, you may have remembered what time the release was due out and been prepared for it.

Even if you knew what time the news was going to be released, then you’d have to calculate if the news release was in your time zone.

If it wasn’t, then you’d have to calculate what time it was coming out in your time zone and to top it off… how would you alert yourself when the time did roll around?

If you’re like me, it takes all my concentration just to make the right trades, let alone keep up with “market moving” news releases!

You may want to check out more software, such as The Forex Muse . Forex Trader Sidekick or Forex Control Center . which might be similar to Forex News Clock.

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S&P Doomed to Repeat?

by Online Trading Academy • March 22, 2017

George Santayana is popularly known for aphorisms such as, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”В When it comes to the markets, this is often the rule more than the exception. В In fact, Online Trading Academy’s core strategy is based on locating repeatable patterns that demonstrate where the institutional traders are placing their orders.

When you look at charts, you are looking at the historical picture of price action. В This price action is caused by the thoughts and perceptions of the market participants. В During various economic and political conditions these thoughts and perceptions influence traders and investors in predictable manners. В By viewing similar patterns, we can often predict future behavior of the financial markets.

Purely by accident, I was viewing charts of the S&P 500 from the past with one of my classes when I noticed a period of time where the markets looked eerily similar to the price patterns we are currently experiencing. В Looking at the following chart, you can see the top chart is a weekly picture of the S&P 500 index. В The bottom chart is also a weekly chart of the S&P 500, but from 1968 to 1969.

While not exact, the price patterns are extremely similar.  The dips and rallies occurred in nearly the same pattern in 2017 and 2017 as they did in the late 1960’s.

Applying some advanced technical analysis techniques, such as Fibonaccis, to the price action of the 1960s, you can see that there was a bull trap just before the bear market that extended from 1969 through 1970.В A bull trap is when prices rise after a sharp decline from a major price peak. В This rapid rise leads investors to believe that the drop was only a small correction and that the bull market will shortly resume. В This is a pattern that has repeated itself for every bubble burst and bear market.

There was a sharp rise in early 1969 that retraced 76.4% of the drop from the peak in prices. В Once the decline began, the Fibonacci Extensions offered potential targets for shorting opportunities, including the bottom of the bear market.

Applying the same Fibonacci techniques to the current S&P 500 price chart, the bull trap appears to be in place and ready to spring on unsuspecting traders and investors. В Should we follow the same pattern as the 1960s, the index will continue to climb until approximately 2057.В Once there the bear market should begin with prices targeting a few points along the way.

The first major target for bearish price action would be in the low 1600s. В Once there, price would likely see a small bounce. В The bear market would definitely be in full swing as that would be a price drop from the highs of about 25%. В Further price targets are 1530 and the potential bottom of the market at the low 1200s. В There is a strong weekly demand at 1440 that could be the bottom instead of the Fibonacci projection.

That brings up an important point. В Supply and demand zones are the primary driving force of price. The Fibonacci tools are just to be used as a supporting tool, not the decision maker itself. В The retracement to 2057 also corresponds to a supply zone which makes the level stronger. В Trust your levels when navigating the markets in order to increase your chances for success.

To learn how to identify the proper zones, visit your local Online Trading Academy Education Center and enroll in a course today!

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Forex clock app

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